My learning by observation story, What I learnt about education and internet.
Education is a fulcrum of the world around us. The urban society has come to invest a large part of their mind space into education. Child education is an obvious concern for the responsible adult. Education aids dreams of young adults and parents alike. Let’s also call skill-building as education. Transition to senior roles or lateral movement both will rely on training. There is the case for a self-help type of skill development. Courses on subjects of interest chosen voluntarily for a variety of reasons. Learning is a constant exercise. There is a marked movement towards giving constant learning, a formalized structure.
There is enough material on any topic. More than what riches of well-stocked libraries can offer. Educational content is doubling up as entertainment. Compare educational content to candy. It comes in all sorts of format and sizes. Pedagogy or method of teaching has had an interesting journey. The...