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Erudition se severa- learnings at North

Erudition se severa- learnings at North

We travel, and sometimes we travel to far and beyond. Life and work brought me and family to a city in North Russia closer to a place where Russians believe is "dom d’et marose" or house of Santa Claus. And even closer to someplace an erstwhile czar was sent, when ‘banished to the north’. Not all travel is to one of the 10 cities in the highest latitude of Earth. As I crossed the many miles away from homeland India, it was also a journey within. The journey within;........ I never realized that until the transportation finished. It took 4 flights and 48 hours in the age of jet and supersonics. The point of the journey within,...... is something that dawned much later, much much after we set up home and started the everyday. There was a certain charm to the magnanimity of the experience. This travel is credited to the friendship between nations. So what part do I play, I thought? ......
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Design Thinking: Brand & Personality

Design Thinking: Brand & Personality

Just so we know about the circles Just so we know about the circles and the blue background. Conceived on grounds of simplicity and easy to replicate.  Blue: it translates to trust in the language of colour, dark so it is easier on the eyes with a bright computer screen.  Yellow:  shows shine. Also so it contrasts:  Stemming from shine we choose to have 2 circles. Story of the 2 circles 2 circles: representing ring of fire of a total solar eclipse. 2 circles: google the word join: see the results from images: share what you see:)  i will ask next time we chat !!  something about sql may be! 2 circles: broadly draw from the symbol of infinity ... 2 circles: broadly draw from engagement rings.. We largely use 3 colours: Dark blue, yellow and grey. So people in the small circle are the strength of the system and help one and all shine .. just like the sun! I would love...
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Internet: Educate and celebrate the effort

My learning by observation story, What I learnt about education and internet. Education is a fulcrum of the world around us. The urban society has come to invest a large part of their mind space into education. Child education is an obvious concern for the responsible adult. Education aids dreams of young adults and parents alike. Let’s also call skill-building as education. Transition to senior roles or lateral movement both will rely on training. There is the case for a self-help type of skill development. Courses on subjects of interest chosen voluntarily for a variety of reasons. Learning is a constant exercise. There is a marked movement towards giving constant learning, a formalized structure. There is enough material on any topic. More than what riches of well-stocked libraries can offer. Educational content is doubling up as entertainment. Compare educational content to candy. It comes in all sorts of format and sizes.  Pedagogy or method of teaching has had an interesting journey. The...
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Demystify Analysis

Our video presentation; regarding limitless possibilities Learning by Observation can be. In its current avatar, focuses on a space where data meets analysis meets visualisation. It is a conversation about what was presented and how it was understood by the intended audience. It helps pulg gaps through a feedback loop. The webpage insists on respectful conversations regard data visualisations and how they were understood by all other stakeholders. Home ...
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Visualization Basics

What does not get discussed about analysis: Chaos to order How can you ensure that the many lines of code you write meet the objective? Critical phases of analysing data is after you have the dataset and before you set up the environment, to write codes. There is a science to what data we have access to and will it suffice to answer questions the business is seeking. That is a discussion for another time. Here we will focus on what happens once data is available. An effort that is critical to the success of any analysis exercise is to organize thought. Organizing data and thought: This is the phase before we begin to set up the environment to run the codes. The analysis begins much before we start writing the code. The process begins with understanding the question. Map it against the libraries of Python, Mathematics, statistics, colour, language. That is not a comprehensive but a good starting point.  Let’s understand this with an...
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